A soft wake up call for your hang over, from my son Gabe.
Press play.
Wake up from your night of partying.
Or are you still up?
Remember, it is early if you are waking up.
It is late if you are still up.
Are you still up?
I am. I'll sleep when I am dead.
Fuck death.
Welcome to your new day.
What will you do with it?
This is the start of a new year, 2011.
What do you hope to accomplish in this new year?
We all have things we wish to do, and we all have things we dream about someday doing.
I say, do it now. Pursue what it is you dream about achieving. Why would you hold back? What's stopping you?
Fuck Fear.
How lucky are we, in this excellent country we know as The United States and Tribes of America, that we have the excellent opportunity to pursue happiness.
When you are afforded such an opportunity to express yourself, to do your best at every opportunity, you take this beast by the horns, and you ride it into your future.
We are all along for the ride.
The future begins now baby.
Good for you, and good for us all.

When you have found a captain who can take you to the moon, and she is taken away from you, well, it kinda sucks.
Here I was left with the lovely Katheena, a magnificent looking lady who was a punkologist in her own right, but she did not know her own mettle,
The one who held her own truth was no where to be found anymore.
So you pick yourself up by the bootstraps, and you grow a pair.
You Devolve.
You become a Punk.
And not because you think it is somehow cool.
So that, there, my friend, is what I did.
What do you think you would have done?
You have this whole year to decide.
I hope that you make the right decision.
Live well.
Fuck fear of failing.
Be true to yourself and do what it is that you dream of doing.
Why the fuck not?
That is the point of all these tales I have been telling you all this time.
In each of us, we all hold a simple, essential Truth, which is this:
You do, indeed, matter. Your thoughts, your pain, your happiness, everything that you endure and enjoy are here for a reason.
And that reason is simply that you are alive.
However you spend your time, it is this tiny piece of existence for us all that you have been afforded, whatever or whomever it is in which you place your trust.
Live it well.
Every moment counts.
Please join me here tomorrow for the next Chapter, won't you?
It will be quite elucidating.
Eat It Like A Man at Esquire Magazine has a new contributors meme: Lonely Guy's Guide to getting drunk.
Email your contribution here.
So you have some New Years Resolutions to work on. Why didn't you think of these?
Cool pics.
For Hoot: Energy Savers Money Bonus. Green, baby. Eco and cash, how cool is this?
Here's a funny site. Click on the random button.
Here's a site that you should bookmark and check often.
More cool pics, of our beautiful world.
More cool pics of our amazing planet. Refill your java cup and enjoy.
"With 1.3 billion, China is the world’s most populous country. There is a big problem with hosing, and this is how they deal with that."
"Hosing." hehehe....
Best 10 Games for your Play Station 3.
10 excellent Flash-based image works.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
--willies out.
One more for ya.
10 Most Memorable Movie Moments.
Gawd I hate alliteration.
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