Happy New Year's Eve.
Press play.
You and we are the Kings and Queens of our Destinies, and of our own Destiny, each of us.
Tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning, a rebirth, a clean slate.
But for today, and tonight, and into tomorrow,
it will be no holds barred.
So be good to yourself.
Be very good.
Tomorrow you will start dieting, cutting back on inhalations, libations and confabulations, and begin anew.
But this is not “tomorrow.”
Enjoy yourself.
End this year with debauchery, escapades, and things that will make a good story in the years to come.
Make TDC proud, baby.
Join us at TDC now and repeat these words:
“I will do better next year, but tonight, I am going to fucking partay.”
Amen, you Kings and Queens.
Be safe, from the staff at the Mighty Fucking TDC. Richie, Hoot, and willies.
Partay well.
Partay very, very well.
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