Your penis will betray you, if you give it a chance. It cannot tell a lie. It will rise up at the most inappropriate time, it will call attention to your enjoyment of something when you least want it to, and it will give away your true intentions, when you truly wish to hide them.
I lied to you, and I apologize.
This will never happen again, I promise to you, until the next time.
I did get the prize.
Fuck yeah.
The back seat of the gold Firebird with the gold tinted windows was much better than laying someone on dirt behind some bushes. There would be more bushes in other areas, but for now...
...This was a dream that had finally come to fruition. This was not waking up from a dream before coming to the best part.
This was about the culmination of every young nerd's dream back then in Fuckno, Californication.
It was the Summer of Katheena.
I will not become graphic here. There is no need for that. You probably have had such an experience as this. But I will tell you that it was the best thing evar.
are adjectives that you have read before.
There are no words here.
I had a girl.
I had Thee Girl.
I had Katheena.
I had won.
Next weekend, there will be a new installment in this continuation of the Punkology Series, which I have been writing for you for the past couple of years.
Thank you for following along all this time, my friend.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
One more for ya.
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