I screeeeched my hot little bitch to a halt in front of the complex of duplexes in time to see Sean come walking along the sidewalk from the 7-11 up the other end of Chestnut Street.
Yup. Good ole Sean.
He came over to my Celica and leaned in the passenger side window, studying me with his own green eyes. Lorelei would have liked him, if she'd ever met him. She never did, though.
"Why you got dust all over your seats and everything?"
Yup. No small talk with him, ever. Everything meant something. And, do you know, I would come to find out that this sort of refreshing honesty is rare, and should be welcomed.
I did not always feel comfortable with his direct questioning. It would have went better all those times if I had.
I wiped the sweat off my brow and said, "I took a ride."
He chuckled. "Looks like you went to the moon or something. And you wearing them faggy threads." Then he got in. "So how was the dance last night?"
I took his 7-11 bag from him and looked inside. Yup, a rack of frosty cold ones. Good ole Sean.
I looked him right in the eye. "Dude. It's still last night."
Sean's eyes widened, and then he began to laugh.
Fired up my little bitch and we flew off.
Sean looked over the expanse of Clovis as we sat on the Bluff, parked in my Celica. He was just slowly shaking his head. "Sounds like it might have been Zid." He took a long haul off his brew and burped. "Not that I would know, myself. But...holy fuck... her hair was on fire?"
I sipped the delicious, frosty, bubbly nectar and smiled. "No. Her hair was the fire. And it was a blue fire. It went up into the sky."
Sean just rubbed his head and whistled. "Do you think Lorelei knew Nolei? And gave her some of that shit to give to Joey as well?"
I nodded. "Well, they did come on the same exchange student plane here. But then again, eighty students... Maybe they only knew of each other. Joey is now with Nolei, or he was this morning, at least. Hey, Joey is driving a purple Granny car."
"No shit?"
"No shit."

You recall that Lorelei would teach me a big lesson, don't you?
"She agreed to eat lunch with me on the grass in the Quad. I was wasting no time showing her off to Katheena. Yes, I was immature and this was a bad thing to do to an innocent girl who liked me. I was an asshole for this, but this chick would teach me a lesson, big time. You will see."
Well, before the cops showed up at school later in the day that Monday, I was able to chat with Lorelei for a little bit.
She greeted me when I slowly walked up to her by grabbing me in a big bear hug and lifting me off my feet and swirling me around.
German girls are quite strong, you know.
She set me back down, patted my head, and put a licorice treat in my mouth.
I kid you.
Lorelei hugged me and breathed into my ear, "Go to the whhestern entrance before anyone sees uss."
She took off.
What would you have done?
You would have looked for a western entrance, of course. I did not even know that there was a western entrance to McLame High until this day. And, there actually was. Never before had a reason to find out, ya know.
There, she smooched me and held me close to her lovely front side. She was a bit panicky, and she had somezhing to tell me.
"Veeeeee-ill. I chust vanted to thank you for our ride to ze moon."
I had no response.
She must have had a hell of a time with the scary nice dude, her exchanged dad, after I'd punched him down and then sped off in my Celica.
But instead of telling me about it, she was simply effervescent, and she smelled really nice. I smiled.
She nodded and said, "You have shown me that zere is zome good in ze vorld. Some honest good."
I chust vanted to feel her lips on me again. So I nodded, not quite listenening to her words.
She went on. "You have shown me zat ve are not shtuck here in hell."
She kissed me again, and then she was gone. I was left to wonder what the fuck had just happened.
Of course, someone ratted on Lorelei. Someone told the teachers who were questioning everyone about the freaky, screamy drunk girl who ruined the dance for everyone.
And the teachers told Lorelei's exchanged parents. Now, this data, um, knowledge, combined with the pic of my license plate put the whole picture together for these overbearing parents and authorities.
Why couldn't they just let us teenagers be? Why not just let us drink and break record decks and scare everyone and spend all night out and come back the next morning and punch exchanged dads?
What the fuck was wrong with these things?
Well, you will see. If you care to keep along this path.
Here are your links.
spunky14u brought this into our TDC Forum: "Malik Jones- mother awarded $900,000" and this caused some heated discussion.
JonM always brings a good find into our TDC Forum, and this turned out quite funny in the responses.
I think his Girlfriend is a nag...
Here are a few of those responses.
thatismytruck wrote: "He probably thought it was Sarah Jessica Parker."
Jambo responded with, "Hey Sarah, why the long face?!?"
Fast Cast wrote: "She must have been hot to trot."
Entropy_Happens wrote, "Whole damned thing is a night mare."
chico wrote, "what kind of registry do you put this guy on?"
Hehehe... nice, buds.
Fermilab is Building a 'Holometer' to Determine Once and For All Whether Reality Is Just an Illusion.
Another from the same site, in case you missed it...
NASA and DARPA Plan ‘Hundred-Year Starship’ To Bring Humans to Other Worlds And Leave Them There Forever.
The Economic Argument.
4chan's Curious Moral Code.
The platypus knows 80 different ways to poison you.
16 things You Didn’t Know About Sleep [Infographic].
Sometimes the best camera is a gun.
Metal Chunk Ditched for Silicon Sphere to Measure Kilogram.
Gene Simmons threatens Anonymous & gets DDoS’ed again.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
Some more for ya?

Jersey Makeover.
Use Your Photo, button is on bottom left. Takes a bit, but gaily fun. Thanks Dotta.
Something to listen to while you work in a new tab on that shit.
The Upsetters, Black Panta
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