I got my feelings hurt. It wasn't anything that Katheena did. It was what she didn't do.
She didn't flirt with me anymore; she didn't wrap her arms around my arm and press her perky tits against me. She actually started to point at other boys and go, "mmmm."
What the fuck? How did I end up in the friend zone? It was too much for me, so I bailed on her. I avoided her, and went hunting, and got some for myself.
Felissa was a cute Hispanish girl who dyed her hair light brown, just a shade below orange. She was wearing those Skin-tight jeans that had the zipper which started at the ass crack and went down, over her vagina, and back up to her belly button. Easy access. Being horny teenagers, we were at the school when the sun had set, and she got laid on my jacket, behind the bushes to the right of the cafeteria. I heard the jangle of keys and we froze. Old man's shoes came stepping down the cement walkway just beyond the bushes.
They stopped just in front of where we were. I was so nervous I came. All over her belly. It was the hardest time I had to keep from making any noise. Just when we were certain that the bushes would be parted and some old fuck would shine his flashlight on us, the scent of cigarette smoke permeated the darkness and he walked on.
I used a dollar bill to wipe up and threw it on the walkway. It was a truly wadded up bill.
Felissa could not stop grinning. I finished buttoning up my jeans and looked at her smile. "What?"
She said, "I can't believe I just made it with the Guy from Maine."
I said next what was not the proper thing to say. "And, you were the first here at McClane."
Her smile dropped instantly. "First? Not the Only?"
Yeah, not a good way to thank a lady for inviting you in. She stormed off and I earned the scorn of her own circle of friends thereafter.
A few days later, Joey came up to me in the hallway and jabbed me in the arm playfully. "You shunning Katheena, huh?
I shrugged, "I'm not the one shunning."
Joey leaned against a locker, looking into his hands. "Yeah, about that. I went through it too."
"Went through what?" I slammed my locker shut.
Joey smiled. "Dude. She's her own girl. But Katheena's pretty fucking cool. You don't have to bang her to enjoy her. Think of her as a bottle of 151 instead of a bottle of Boone's Farm. You don't chug her and then toss her. You take small sips, and enjoy the ride."
I looked at Joey and shook my head. What the hell did he know? It sucked, waking up from an awesome dream when I hadn't even gotten to the best part yet.
There was this group of young girls who giggled whenever I walked by. At first I would look down to see if my fly was open, or if I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe. Nothing. So I went over to them the next time this happened and said, "Uh, why are you laughing at me?"
They started giggling again, and one of them said, "Why ahh you laughing at may?"
I shook my head and went on. Friggin young bitches. Go figure. Too young to hoist anyway, I thought to myself.
Looking back now I can see, as well I am sure you can, that I was a cheese dog of a sort. This condition resulted from being stilted then jilted, not from a personality fault. I was doing my own thing, quite poorly, and it was out of remorse. This path would not end very well for me, should I continue along it.
Katheena caught up to me after a while.
"Will. Why you avoiding me?"
I could not bring myself to look into those exotic eyes. "Oh, hi there, uhhh... Kaneesha, right?"
Katheena did not play games. "Will, look at me."
I brought my eyes slowly up to hers. Along the way I savored her shapely legs inside those white leggings, paused a bit at the faint landing patch just barely visible through the fabric, and continued up to where a hint of tanned, taut belly peaked out from below her white tanktop.
Dreaming again.
When I looked into her eyes, she smiled. "You're back again. Hi there, Will."
What the fuck was this? Did she need everyone to gaze upon her with adoring, lustful eyes? Was this a game after all, but one where she was the only contender?
She stopped smiling. "And there you go, away again."
She put her hands on her hips and blocked me when I started to walk away.
"Katheena, get out of my way." I pressed up against her, and smelled her perfume. She wore just enough perfume that you could only smell it when you were close to her. It had a way of drawing you in closer. It did not arrive before her, filling up a room and making eyes water, as some girls liked to do.
She would later tell me that girls could not smell their own perfume when they wore too much of it, so they would put even more on, just to be sure. More On. Say this out loud.
I felt her pert tits on my chest. She would not budge. I felt a certain fondness begin to grow, and as we stood there, it pressed against her landing strip.
She had won, and I was betrayed by the only member of my club.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
Two more: one for my lady.
She likes Kele. Even if Kele likes something else. So, I'm good.
Second one: for me, because I'm a fucking 80's sciencey nerd.
God Help Ya.
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