Welcome to Sunday, a quiet time of relaxation and rest. Let's explore this German chick today, shall we? Remember one thing: Europeans have access to French food, Italian fashion, German engineering, and Hispanish music. How lucky for them.
The sun rose later and later as the megalopolis of Fuckno headed into the two rainy months before escaping back into ten months of sunshine all over again.
In the dim light of a chilly morning one early fall day, I watched a girl with hair almost white from its intense blondness step off of a school bus in front of CL McClane High. She strode in through the high, green metal gates with an air of confidence one does not usually see in sophomores. She was German, and her name was Lorelei.
Black thigh-high boots and yes, a leather jacket rocked her blue jean mini skirt.
The only member of my club wanted to get a glimpse and tried to stretch his neck for a look.
I went up to this German girl.
"Hi there, Lorelei, right?"
She stopped short and smiled. "Yah. Gooten morgan, Veeeeill."
I stepped closer to her and was still five feet away from where she stopped.
"Umm, why do you call me that?"
Her eyes widened, "Vut? Iss dat not your name?"
I smiled at her. "I know of only one person who says my name like that. I'm Will, pleased to meet you."
She smiled. "Vill. Vilhelm. I see. I thought it vas odd ze vay he said your name."
"Who?" I already knew.
She agreed to eat lunch with me on the grass in the Quad. I was wasting no time showing her off to Katheena. Yes, I was immature and this was a bad thing to do to an innocent girl who liked me. I was an asshole for this, but this chick would teach me a lesson, big time. You will see.
Her hair was even brighter in the sunshine. I was blinded even with my shades on. She did not wear sunglasses, and so her green eyes were narrow slits in the brightly lit Quad. She looked up from her food at me.
"It's so good to see you smile. Vut hass changed?"
Nothing had changed. I was still pissed off and hurt. But her honest friendliness made me smile. She was like an innocent kid, in a way. I was wrong about that.
I told her, "I think that you could brighten the gloomiest of days with your smile."
Boy, was that a cheesy line, even if I meant it.
She smirked and said nothing. That was when I realized I was moving too fast.
"I mean, ya know, you're nice to me." (...and I'm going to take advantage of that for a little while, so just bear with me, dear disposable foreign exchange student.)
She said, "Whhhy were you so sad?" Nothing like cutting right to the meat of the matter.
I swallowed and said, "Umm. Well, to put it bluntly, I lost my girlfriend."
"Iss she all right?" Lorelei's eyes widened and her mouth hung open.
"Oh, yes, nothing like that. She dumped me for another guy."
I could see Lorelei processing the slang word "dumped" and I mistook that for the only thing going on in her head. She nodded and her face relaxed.
"I see." She was quiet for a bit, and something in the air had changed, but I didn't quite pick up on it just then, at least not on a conscious level.
Here is something she would have listened to, not me.
Joey asked me about her after school let out.
"Weeeeeeill! I see you having lunch with that Kraut chick, and I'm thinking, ole Weeeill wants to scrog that bitch."
Now I was having trouble with slang. But I got the gist of it.
"She agreed to have lunch with me. She's cool, in a different sort of way. I don't think that there will be any 'scrogging' in her near future."
Joey studied me for a moment and then asked, "So what do you think about that German Giant who's scrogging Katheena?"
What the hell was up with everyone being so direct on this day?
"Fuck you."
I grabbed my knapsack (yes, back packs were once called knapsacks back in the day) and left him there.
I did not see how he was putting the pieces together, but I would witness the results. Joey was one crafty muthafucka, do not doubt.
Also, never doubt that he would always be on my side, through any dirty deed, or malfeasance, or trouble.
I just didn't know it yet.
In my first class the next day, the girl with the long yellow hair who sat in front of me turned around and smiled at me when I sat down. Remember, this was the one who would eventually become our class Valedictorian, but before that, she would invite me over to movie night at her home, to which I would bring a date.
Scoobie Dude to my left caught her smiling at me and when she turned back around to face front, he nodded at me, behind his shades.
"What?" I stared at him.
He stopped nodding, and only grinned at me.
Fucking stoner.
I could not get my mind focused on the class, or any class for the whole day. Lorelei was nowhere to be found.
Somehow, I had fucked up, and I did not know how or why?
Lorelei knew what was up.
She would show me. She would educate me.
Next time, you will see, if you care to follow me along this path, my friend.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
OK, one more for ya.
From my Dotta to you, an antidote. Don't harsh. Dotta will fuck you up with her brass knuckles.
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