This song is from my Lady Lisa to you.
Crank up something from Sir Paul, if you wouldn't mind some heartbreak.
Paul McCartney Arrow
Get yourself all "set" for a new chapter, however you go about it.
All good things must come to an end.
When school began in the fall, something interesting was announced over the intercom after first bell.
We would be welcoming foreign exchange students into our midst, and this explained why some of our own were leaving for a month.
Now, before you begin to think of an awesome foreign exchange student such as Long Duk Dong, I have to tell you that none of these newcomers were as cool as he.
Yet, these kids were pretty fucking cool.

They hailed from Germany, back when it was split, and when Berlin had a wall. Of course, these young kids who all spoke English quite well (while not many of us at this high school spoke German) would be coming from the liberated areas of West Germany.
To those of us who were not foreign-language brainiacs, nor friends with such brainiacs, this was a surprise.
And a delight.
And an end for many boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.
The insertion of the newcomers was met without fanfare. There was no need to announce their arrival. This was intended to ease their obvious unease: no need to point them out and put the spotlight upon them. Of course, those of us in classes that would be encountering these new kids were instructed to be polite and friendly and all that, and also to be helpful.
There was a dance to be held for them, however. And Katheena wanted advice on how to dress appropriately, from me.
Now you know from reading the previous chapters that this girl knew how to dress, and she did it quite well. Of course, it helps to have an amazing body. But I wondered why she seemed suddenly insecure.
"Will, we need to talk."
Yes, she actually spoke this cliche to me.
I didn't even need to hear her tell me this shit.
I could see it in her eyes.
Yes, Katheena had a sudden infatuation with a German dude.
I lost her.
Wait, what?
Yes, after all this shit,
I fucking lost her.
There is no need to tell you, my friend, about our talk, and there is no desire to explain to you how it felt to hear this news.
A song will speak to you when there are no words to say.
Music is the language of emotion.
I was devastated.
What is Dalliance, and why does it exist?
Some say that it is a precursor to behavior that is biologically-driven: we are meant to propogate our species with as much variance in our gene pool and offspring as we can muster, in order to offer a decent fight against the attack upon our DNA by disease.
I say Fuck That.
It is fuckishness to do this to anyone.
We are not animals.
We are in control of our basic instincts, which is why we humans rule the planet, for better or for worse...
... So.
I dallied as well.
In spite of the bitch.
Because of her.
Woe is me.
Don't look at me that way.
This is what caused me to become a Punk.
Can I get an AMEN?
You see, I would then "dally" as well, with a German chick named Lorelei who had come across the seas on the same fucking craft as the dude who stole Katheena from me.
A dory dally dolly, if you prefer.
(Alliteration sucks, but I can't help myself.)
This new chapter of the TDC WEAW Punkology Series will be continued next weekend, if you care to check it out.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
OK, one more for ya. My Dotta saw these dudes at the Bangor Water Front Music Festival KAHBANG last weekend, and she recommends this for us to hear.
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