If you enjoy the little grey music boxes below, you can also double-click on them to see these artists fully, and find out who they are, then possibly purchase their wares. This is how it has always been done here. True.
Get your leather on, my friend, however you go about it. No one here at will ever judge you for how you enjoy yourself with mouse-in-hand, while the whole World Wide Web awaits you.
A bowl of cereal, a bowl of ice cream, a bowl of "what-have-you" may help.
Me? I like a bowl of beer.
Thank you for starting your exploration of the "inter-tubes" here, today, you willies Enjoyer.
Let's rock this bitch, shall we?
A song will speak to you when there are no words to say.
Music is the language of emotion.
I was devastated, my friend.
What is Punkology, and why was this created?
Frankly, my friend, I'm surprised that you would ask this question. Therefore, I will never ever call you "Frankly" again.
In a group of people gathered together for any reason at all, one or two will exhibit Punkology.
It is important to understand what this thing means, and how it can be a tool for you in your group if you utilize it. I will show you how in a little bit if you bear with me, my friend.
When this group of folks who are trying to get something done are employing the benefits of "social intercourse" (which here has nothing to do with sexual intercourse) there are many types of personalities involved.
Some are helpful; some are trying to make a point, and some are trying to get everyone focused.
Others are inclusionary, which means that they want to try make everyone stop arguing and be happy. They have their place, and they are important because of their social lubrication. No one likes a dry fuck.
Try not dismissing them as ass-kissers, though they may appear to be so. Ass-kissers are folks with hidden agendas. Get rid of those types, unless you need someone to wash your car, that is.
Now, others are the dry rubbers.
These bastards may be Internet Trolls of the best original variety, (not simply trying to throw a monkey wrench into the procedings for their own perverted fun and self-glory, but simply calling out for Truth from someone who has spoken a deceit)
-or they may be investigators (who simply want to know everyone's True Thoughts in the group, and they are blatant, instead of hiding behind bullshit passive aggressive-meanness)
-or they may even be misunderstood free-thinkers who have some brass 'nads.
These Dry-Rubbers, you see, are often times regarded as assholes, which they very well might be.
These are your Punk Rockers.
You see, you will need to have each and everyone one of the types described above in your group for all of their input, if you want to lead your group to victory.
Yes, even the assholes. Those will make you test your group's ideas and you will find out if your ideas have any worth at all.
Caveat: It's important to look to where the negativity is coming from, and understand the source. Acknowledge their contribution, and work from what they have said. Try not to be distracted by their meanness.
If you surround yourself only with yesmen and ass-kissers, then you will have removed your greatest assets: those "assholes" who search for Truth at uncomfortable odds, which they do even at their own peril.
That is the essence of Punkology.
It is about Truth, at the cost of all else.
(Turn this one down a bit; it rocks loudly in a few seconds. Don't want to hurt your ears.)
You do not decide to become a Punk. It it what you do when shit happens to you enough times. If you just want to become a Punk because you think it's cool for some reason, then you are a poseur. Fuck You.
We all have innate Punkology within us. It is a sincere form of a leadership skill that is the most hated of the leadership quality, but perhaps it is indeed the most honest, in its raw form.
A Punk is someone who exhibits leadership skill---
Can you dig this here shit?
How cool would it be if we didn't have greedy, money and power hungry self-serving politicians and instead had truth seekers working in government?
Now for your links, my friend. Visit the Mighty TDC tomorrow for Lorelei Part 1, if ya like. She was a German chick who wore leather, and she knew about Truth.
Now for a little help from our TDC Forum Family:
Here's a NEW FIND you haven't seen anywhere before from Entropy_Happens: What Passes For Fun In Flyover Country. Yes, It's friggin Entopy_Happens in the damned baler. Duuuuude....
Here's t3kniq with his favorite "dumb" song.
And lastly for these types of never seen before links. Fast Cast with his own contribution, which you've never seen?
I may be shot tomorrow for having offended these TDC guys.
Now for other contributions from our TDC family...
From Jambo comes a couple of good ones:
A favorite place to read... or type into my "shitty" phone... but I've never taken pictures there before. This raises "bathroom diarhies" to a new level. Oddly interesting.
Also from Jambo is "Fun with archaic medical instruments."
This is how that dude spends his time:

From TIMT: Disturbed cover of Judas Priest's Living After Midnight. Quite rocking.
Finally, from Laz. Cool Hawaii pics.
Thank you TDC buds for sharing your finds with us in the Forums.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
--willies out.
OK, one more for ya. I wish I could play guitar like this dude.
Or not.
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