There is no need to tell you about my statement to the Police. You can surmise, yourself.
I got to see Lorelei one last time, before I never saw her again.
And that is what is most important in this here tale I've been telling you these past few years.
I saw her sitting there, at the next desk over from where I was told to sit down by the detective.
She did not look scared. She looked somehow vindicated. I will never know from what sort of homelife she had left to come here to 'Murrica, but when you are an Exchanged Student visiting another country on a visa, you must have been a pretty apt student.
When you have come to 'Murrica and then you engage in some sort of behavior that gets you deported, I hope it was worth it.
It looked like it was worth it to Lorelei, judging by the look on her face when she saw me.
I smiled back at her.
She was told not to look at me.
But she didn't listen.
She wanted to tell me zomezing verrrry important.
I wanted to tell her things that I didn't know the words for.
I wanted to say thank you for our trip to the moon.
I wanted to tell her that I was sorry for her deportation.
I wanted to tell her to keep her chin up.
All of these were inadequate.
And I thought if only...
... she could tell me zomezing; she would put it all right for me, for her, for us both.
Well it didn't happen.
And that sucked.
Ya think?
Perhaps what is most important is that she and I found out something about ourselves that we would never had found out about otherwise. We had each other to thank for this.
I didn't realize this at that moment, but I think she did.
I think that you know what it is I am talking about.
Thank you for reading this tale all this time, my friend.
It's been nice to have you read my tale.
Peace to you, and good health.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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