The Destructor's name was Felissa, do you remember her?
Katheena lost interest in me and that made me want to forget about her as well.
So I used Felissa, and she got back at us all.
Felissa watched me all that time, I can tell, looking back from the arm chair warrior position that such hindsight affords you. She was biding her time to pay me back for not becoming her boyfriend after she let me Enter Her Dragon, so to speak. Kung Fuc Yu. Your Kung Fu is not good.
When Lorelei got busted by the cops, I saw Felissa smirking at the head of the crowd, front row center.
Can you put two and two together? Well, I did, and I ended up with seven.
Me, Katheena, Felissa, Lorelei, Ivan, Nolei, and Joey, of course.
When you consider that Katheena would continue on as one of my closest allies for the rest of my time at Muck-Lane High, as I have told you before, you realize what a shit storm we all had created.
And when you realize that a bet is sometimes not a gamble, you just might end up with a prize. This prize may not be what you want, or even expect, but it might even be better than you imagined.
It might your identity. You can find out of what metal you are constructed in times of duress.
Adamantium, or tin foil?
+ + + + + + +
OK, pause that shit up above, and make a choice below:
Lorelei ran off after hugging me, kissing me, and putting a licorice treat in my mouth.
She'd wanted to meet me at the western entrance of FkLane High that fateful Monday morning after the MoonShot so she could say goodbye to me. It was the last time I ever tasted her kisses, but not quite the last time I saw her.
That would be her in hand cuffs. And not the fun ones, that is.
First Bell rang, so students sat down at their seats. Soon, no one was sitting, and then the school was empty. No, there were no fuck heads with trench coats and rifles. This was a kinder time back then.
Ivan set off the fire alarm just as the police officers entered the hallways.
Fucking Ivan.
Always remember, the police are your friends. When you need them, call them. They just might arrive in time to save your sorry ass.
On this day, it seemed we needed the firemen as well. There was no one to save our asses that day I tell you. We were fucked. We had built this bomb, but Felissa lit the fuse.
In the Quad, Ivan grabbed me and towed me toward Katheena. There, she and Joey were tugging Nolei toward the parking lot. It would be a fucked up sight to view on any other day, but on this day, it was welcomed.
We all headed out to the parking lot as the fire alarms rang and the popo tried to get an assessment of this new shituation.
At the gate to the parking lot we saw the popo standing there waiting for escapees. The school was in lock down.
Ivan ushered us into one of the outside stairwells and looked at Katheena.
Katheena had nothing. Katheena was in panic mode.
I pointed upwards, so we all ran up the stairwell and went around the corner of the second story to look out over the balcony walkway toward the front gate.
There down below, Lorelei was being led away in hand cuffs behind her back. She looked so small from way over here, up in the air. She looked scared.
This is for you Lorelei, wherever you are today my fine punk friend. God Help You.
Ivan had gotten us all out but he had left Lorelei to the wolves. Fucker.
Just before Lorelei was led out through the front gates, she kicked the officer who was guiding her in his shin and then swung around.
She faced the crowd in the Quad and straightened up as tall as she was, and I swear to Gawd, it looked like her white hair was a blue flame again.
Flashbacks, prolly, huh wha?
Lorelei stood there, awaiting her instant re-capture and incarceration, but she did not waver.
She began to shout at the crowd.
We were too far away to hear her above the din of the crowd below, over there in the Quad, but they soon shushed themselves to hear her, and she went on.
Folks began to cheer her, and then those near the front made a rush for the front gate.
The popo dragged her out of there, and the front gate was locked down as well.
Students thrashed the front gate as she was sped away, and then the firemen showed up.
We five chust looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do.
And that was when the police officers began their campus sweep for us.
Fucking Felissa.
This would end badly for us all.
+ + + + + + +
Your Links.
Scary things for your Halloween consideration.
Tips to know before you fight. This would have been handy to know before the Muy Largo Machismo Fight...
Handy P2P file sharing in various locations. Virus anyone? It's like a digital glory hole or somezhing...
Tourettes Guy Soundboard.
Safety Tips Against Zombies.
Imagine how it would be if the tables were turned... Nope, not funny.
How you will know when you meet the willies.
Bacon Bra. Click Next for more time wasters.
----Test These Before Submitting Links. Don't Forget----
Test 1.
Test 2.
Test 3.
Test 4.
Odd Boy.
Old fave: Drunk tilt sketch.
Not Safe For Work, for our friendly TDC horndogs.
I Heart Chaos' Tiny Nipple Pics.
Well, you have copious amounts of red booze to drink, or perhaps neighborhood kids to scare, or maybe you are vicariously enjoying the Halloween of those much younger than you on this day?
Our youngsters do not need to know about the real fears out there. Tonight, let them enjoy the fear of imaginary ghosts, goblins and movie monsters galore.
Adulthood has its own shit to deal with. Let's all be a kid for a little while, shall we?
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
One more for ya.
No, it's not U2. Any guesses?
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