Here we go.
Bryan and I watched a golden Firebird with gold tinted windows and a giant black bird on its hood come creeping down from the north end of Chestnut Street.
Can I get an Amen?
It rumbled slowly over to our side of the street, and put its nose up against Bryan's leg.
He stood there, ready to crush skulls.
I smiled.
The doors opened, and a huge cloud of blue smoke curled out of both of them.
Two space travelers arose from inside this vessel, and stood on this new planet.
"Will. Is this where you live?" said one.
"Weeeee-illl. We come to rescue you. Who is this?"
Bryan stepped forth.
"I'm Bryan. Who are you?"
This was the nexus of the Punkination start. Two would become my allies, and one would eventually rocket off to her own galaxy. I wonder what she is doing now?
Probably rocking her own world, in her own way.
Gobless her.
Bryan was quite the consummate gentleman, as he shook hands with both Joey and Katheena, and he didn't even ogle her all that much.
She was wearing that black leather jacket with the belt that hung out to her right, undone, which would slap other folks in the thigh as she made her way through the hallways of McFuckLane High each day of the school week.
Joey smirked at Bryan's tight shortthhhhss, and Katheena only ogled his manly chunk a munk.
Bryan turned back to me and his eyes went bugbig. His mouth said, "Holy Fuck, I want that."
You can be sure of which one of these two he meant.
I would have to agree.
The streets of Fuckno lend themselves very handily to driving while puffing, at least, that is, until you get to the heart of that megalopolis. Once you arrive there, the streets are all diagonal to the rest of the spread of avenues and streets.
There are tales I must tell you about the escapades I enjoyed in this little area of Fuckno, like when we went to see Fishbone play at the little movie theater, and the upstairs floor began to tremble with the moshing.
This was also the second place my mom and my two little sisters and I landed after embarking across the country from the planet Maine, the first stop being in San Fransissyco, which reminded me of Portland Maine, with its one way streets and cast-iron yard gates and fences.
In San Fransissyco, we discovered that we could get a free night's stay in their lovely Good Willies shelter only once for free. Replete with lice and fleas, and touchy/gropey fellow boarders, who, once using up their one free night, would then return to pay their $10 spot for a night of devouring newcomers such as ourselves, but that is a tale for another day.
Now, back there in Fuckno, we four in the golden Firebird found ourselves looking up at the taller buildings.
Fuckno took pride in its cement, in the face of earthquakes.
It also held the City Hall, replete with the Justice Court rooms.
We got the fuck out of the heart of Fuckno.
But as we sped along, this small motley crew began to become acquainted with each other.
This would be a very interesting enterprise.
These other three would have my back, through the justice I would have to pay for putting Lorelei's Exchanged Dad in his place, but even more so:
Justice that would be paid for the Jocks' ruination of the Dance.
Gilbert would pay.
You will see.
Next time.
Gilbert Castennon lived on the lower west side of Fuckno, you see.
Ahhhh. The weekend at last. Fuck You Monday:
You a little dog who spends his night doing dog things? Stop-action short, long exposure backgrounds. Your video isn’t choppy. It’s meant to be this way.
Nowhere Near Here from Pahnl on Vimeo.
Failbook, for those of us who Facebook. Updated every time you post a picture of your kitten doing something cute.
Excuse me while I get something weird to eat. Be right back.
Hokay, thanks. Now here are the top ten weirdest websites for you to peruse.
My dotta is into photography. Here are some tips for photographing toys. No, not that sort of toy, you bastuhd.
For those of you who like to read and think about things and stuff, beyond profit….
We sure do seem to deal with a lot of data. But how much storage does this entail?
OK, enough.
Here is some
viewing for you nawsty bastuhds.
NSFW, jeez.
Finally, a movie: Into The Night. Long time, low key, often funny old favorite of mine, maybe you too. Ten minute segments. You will have to double click on the video to see the rest of it...
Where is part 5?
Here, this will help.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
OK, one more for ya.
Some old school blues. Robert Johnson non-stop playlist for your Saturday enjoyment.
Be patient. There is some time in between each tune.
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