Dub Side of The Moon by Easy All Stars
I parked my little spaceship behind a Joshua tree, facing the direction we would need to travel to get back into town, and powered her down, leaving the music playing softly.
Lorelei led me over to a sand dune and seated herself. The sand glowed with a blue tint from the moon overhead. It looked like snow in a Maine forest at midnight, except the pine trees had been in fist fights and come out burly with bulging biceps and lost most of their hair.
Joshua trees look like angry men waving fistfulls of greenbacks over their heads who have something important to tell you.

Lorelei looked over at me as I sat down beside her. Her eyes glittered in the half-light. "You are a good captain, Veeee-ill. You took us avay from de sheitzensturm undt delivered us to ze moon." Her smile warmed my cockles.
Joey and Nolei sat down beside Lorelei. Joey looked over the moonscape and whispered, "not used to it being so quiet. You can almost hear the Earth turning beneath our asses."
Nolei giggled. Joey shushed her by putting his lips on hers. Lorelei watched them and then looked at me. Her white hair was now Christmas Blue in the desert, and looked like it was a real, blue fire.
It was gently waving. But there was no breeze that night.
The sparks from her blue fire floated up into the night air and filled in the sky.
Stars slowly moved about, creating new constellations.
Lorelei snuggled up to me and sighed, and then she tugged me back to lie beside her on the soft desert dust.
Overhead, the universe played its music and unfolded itself before our eyes. It was hard not to keep watching this show.
A feeling of warmth crept over my body, along with a pleasant tingling sensation. Lorelei whispered, "Ziss iss zackly vat I needed, here and now."
I whispered back, "what is this, and how long does it last?"
Lorelei propped herself up on an elbow, and looked into my eyes. Her blue fire glowed brightly, and the waves and fronds of flame began to stretch off into the starry night sky, a hundred miles long.
"Shhhhh..... I am ze captain now."
Her lips brushed mine, and this sent off sparks in my head that floated down the countryside, wandering along like forgotten ghosts from the Wild West, or perhaps old men with lanterns, searching for the last honest man.
There is no way to describe the manner in which one's senses can exchange places with each other, to be able to smell colors, or listen to starlight. That shit's just weird.
But if it ever happens to you, the best advice is: just go along for the ride. You're pretty much strapped in for six or eight hours anyway. If you freak out, it will be a bad six or eight hours.
Do Not Panic, (thank you Douglas Adams).
The stars began to wink out, waving goodbye and going sleepy time in their violet velvet blanket. The black emptiness of eternity became washed out from the waking sun, deep purple to violet, then hints of deep red glowed in the east, over the tops of the Sierras.
We four rose from our wakeful slumber and made our way to the Celica.
She paused a bit in starting, probably from having the radio on all night, but she caught her breath and rumbled awake.
The road ahead of us was lined with angry men waving greenbacks over their heads, and they had something important to tell us.
They had to tell us this: "You cannot go back to the way it was before. You have some worried, angry people awaiting you when you get back home. You have some important decisions to make. You're kinda fucked, dudes."
Yes, the sun peeked over the edge of the Sierras and pointed his finger at us.
This would be an interesting day indeed.
Tiny Pics. Really
High Definite & Meanwhile site for you to peruse. Not about pot.
Atlantic's How To Think About Technology.
Asteroids carrying water is pretty common. Life starter?
Ferro Fluid and magnets.
Jailbreak your iPhone with competing apps. Jailbreak fight!
Snakebot: Scary, but cool.
Search bots can now predict the future.
Build a cool paper transformer, quite easily.
Unzip nano-tubes, and change the future of technology. Cool.
Graphene is the shit. Each picture caption has a link to each wonder of this awesome material, courtesy of your pencil lead, graphite.
Thanks for taking a trip to the moon, baby.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
One More For Ya, to keep you tripping on your Sunday...
Cut Chemist, The Garden, a find from my son.
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