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Saturday, May 22, 2010


This story was written on January 16th, 2010

WEAW Sunday Side Show.

God help you.

God help us all.

Here before you is a simple choice, and it is this:




What is the difference?

Well, a Psychopath is just nuts. For whatever reasons, these poor saps simply have become fucked up by their life experiences.

Therapy is a possibility for them. Ample jail time is a probability for them.

A Sociopath, however is highly intelligent, clean and neat, and has no emotions whatsoever.

They were born this way: their hardware is wired in a way that excludes the concept of "other."

The "other" is you and me.

They are narcissistic by nature, but this goes beyond the possibility of drowning in a pool while falling in love with their reflection.

You see, they think that they are the only ones in the whole world who feel pain.

They do strange things to animals and insects when they are young.

Just wait until they get stronger, and older.

They are the quiet folks who keep to themselves and are polite.

Until the "deathiness" comes, that is.

If you had to choose, who would you rather deal with?

Think about it.

Psychos are the ones who blast their stereos all night long, let their dog shit on your lawn, and then perhaps kill someone in the heat of the moment. Ever wonder how someone can get that angry? There is your answer.

These sort of folks are more prevalent than the Sociopath.

The Sociopath is the best neighbor you can ever have; they are many times misconstrued as being afflicted with OCD, except that they, truly, are in full control of everything around them.

You see, OCD afflicted folks occupy their time with their odd behavior as a way to gain control of their environment, by cleaning, and counting things and shit.

The Sociopath will never bother you, until you piss them off, or simply if they want to explore your pain, which they think you are lying about. They are the only ones who feel pain, according to them.

Now you have a choice. Who would you like to have a cup of tea with?

Choose well: A White Rabbit, or a Red Herring?

(Alice In Wonderland, or Alfred Hitchcock)



One of these sick fuckers will always be the bitch of the other. Who do ya think?

Have a great day!

---willies out

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Too late. I've already dated a sociopath...