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Saturday, May 29, 2010


Can you say Redemption? I ain't talking bottles and cans baby.

The next couple of weeks in school, I avoided everyone, kept low. Trinity never told anyone where I lived, nor even told them anything more than that I had been her "latest catch."

But she felt so bad for putting me in harm's way that night of our last talk that she offered up her pussy. And I took it.

Lost my virginity. But I had no desire to try to "work things out."

Fuck that. I was a sober young guy who had no need for drugs or the sort of folks who did them.

My first encounter with the almighty Vagina, and was it worth it?

You decide. I ended up quite pissed off after being pissed on, so to speak.

Californication was no longer a nice place for me. PTSD fucked with me, and I changed schools. But hadn't quite yet become a full-fledged Punk.

McClane High would polish that gem for me.

Tomorrow, I will offer up my latest story here for you to read.

God Help You.

God Help Us All.

---willies out.

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