You know the routine. Get yourself all ready.
Buckle up.
This Is A Dark Ride.
Press "play" while you do what you have to do.
We did what we had to do.
ZID can be a mean bitch.
And She wanted to change our world.
This is a true story, baby.
We ended up in a waterway canal that has coursed through the high desert fruit orchards of Fuckno, Californication, from the 1940's and we were in a 4WD Jeep with the ass end under the water, which was flowing quite rapidly, Jeep tail-pipe gurgling immersed.
The nose was pointing up at the sky, which gleamed with whirling and spinning stars even in the face of light pollution from the city's orange glow from too many mercury-vapor streetlamps.
Sean was in the driver's seat of this open air Jeep, I was in the shotgun seat, Bryan was behind me, and Tellesco held up Sean's rear. He always did, ya know.
This was Tellesco's latest incarnation of the "Bleed Jeep," because he always let Sean drive it and go "figging," which here means, "wildly coursing about the iron trunks of Fig Trees in the orchards in the moonlight at fuck-all speed until the Crash," and they ended up bleeding.
Hell, one time, Sean somehow managed to get one of those Jeeps hung, upside down, on top of one of those fig trees. Don't ask me how they always walked away with only skin slices, but no broken bones.
I Do Not Know.
And this is all true.
Tellesco's rich parents would always admonish him, and then go and thank the Easter Bunny that he was safe, and then buy him a new fucking Jeep.
That's it. Throw money at the problem, and maybe it'll go away.
You see, Sean always knew how to get a rich bitch.
Here, in this ZID discovery event of ours, Tellesco did something cool for once.
He just reached casually over to his left, cupped his hand in the cool mountain water coursing a few inches from the top of the rear bucket of the Jeep in which he sat, and grabbed a handful of this mountain water, and drank it.
It was a good idea. We were all quite suddenly thirsty, but the Jeep was balanced quite precariously on the up-rise of the other side of the canal from where we'd come.
It might also be a bad idea. We were all very thirtsy, and we watched him. If we crawled back there, we might tip back end over, and be trapped under water, in this man-made cement river.
Instead, Tellesco rinsed out his Big Gulp cup, filled it, and handed it around.
I finally found new respect for this guy.
We were sitting there on purpose, you see. Sean was driving, or had been. We'd needed a moment of clarity, and it was good that we had done this, odd as it seems now, looking back.
Everything had suddenly gotten quite loud, metally intrusive, and distractive when the ZID kicked in, and after we'd decided to go for a drive.
How did this happen? Next Chapter.
What exactly does the Health Bill entail? Broken down here.
Words and language are kinda important to your bud "the willies." The French are replacing English words with their own versions. These cheese-loving foreigners have their own Ministry of Language. Why? Because they consider their indigenous language their identity, much as we consider our flag our identity.
They abhor the intrusion of non-French words into their identity.
What do you think?
An interesting way to start your day. Pot Cake. But, at School?
If you do, here are some Groucho Marx quotes.
Nothing like good laughter to raise your spirits. How about tickling rats to help them have a nice day?
Here's a cool intersection of discussion.
Or, not here:
Baby drop in India is a time honored event...
Easter Bunny from muppets. Nom Nom Nom...uuurp.
Further, or is it deeper into madness?Red Meat Cartoon.
Antidote. A good online magazine.
Glow In The Dark Dancers.
Old cartoon, but cool site to explore.
Bummah site.
Antidote: Science. Maybe give you something to check in on in the TDC Forums.
Delicate robot. Non sexual. But still cool. Someday, there will be delicate, sexual robots. Someday....
Wait, here is---
CNN, confound them!
Oh, wait, Rapelay game is bewwy bewwy bad, for you, A numba one 'Merican.
No, even that gives me the willies.
Tiny bot that scaled the Grand Canyon, powered, get this, by two AAA batteries. Nice.
Now, I quite enjoy the ongoing evolution of robotic devices, but some people go in the wrong direction, and get fixated on the past. Well, past depictions of the future of robotics. Check it out.
Interesting thought site to make you angry.
Fucking Hell beer. Actually, beer that's a light ale, ("Hell" in German) from the Austrian town of "Fucking."
And with that, I'll see you tomorrow.
It will be freaky, just like rising from the dead is, or was...
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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