Come with me down to the Lab, and let's see what's on the slab.

Well here there you willies Enjoyer. This is Sunday, a good day to get off. It is a three day weekend for many of you, so you will not have the Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul, as Douglas Adams titled a book of his. He was talking about how Sunday afternoon feels when you know that you have to get up early for work on Monday.
Here are a few tunes, one of which you may like. Go outside and spark up the grill this afternoon.
It's a Beautiful Day Outside. From Classic Crime.
For Tellesco, Sean's bitch. Do Not Play.
180 degrees in the opposite direction: Nothing compares to the Man In Black. The Lyrics are classic. God help you if you can't get past a bit of Country style.
Johnny was the original Punk. (Kris and Merle were pretty badass too, in my book.)
Here's some pop from the 60's for some of you TDCers who might have enjoyed them when they first were on AM. The Kinks' Sunny Afternoon. Has auto play for ten other Kinks tunes.
All set?
Well, let me tell you, Joey had stepped up quite nicely. He was a bit further behind us on our trek past the Moon and on to Saturn, (the coolest planet in our solar system) but he was still quite capable of playing vinyl on his decks. Who knew that he had some Dark Side? He nitched the NIizer Ebb, eschewed the Escardoos, and completely forgot about his Joey Boy records. He rocked us with all kinds of mellow tunes, some shit as old as that Tubular Bells thing.
We gradually began to stop giggling and loosen our grips on the orange/ brown ratty shag carpet, and began to simply enjoy the whirls and whorls in our own heads, in our field of vision, with our eyes closed.
Coming down from ZID was a bit of a bitch. Strychnine aches your joints, your jaw hurts from clenching and grinding your teeth, and you just cannot get to sleep. Unless you have smoke.
And we were never without that. That was like oxygen, for Vampires who see the sun only by accident now and then, with a hangover of some sort.
Next week, I will tell you how we began to build an empire of punk followers in this new realty. That is where we began to shine.
Remember, the flame that burns brightest is the first to expire. But what a glorious spark that was. Perhaps you recall, from an earlier tale, who that was?
Next time you finish drinking your bottled water on an airplane, don't chuck the bottle. Airlines to start charging for use of their restrooms.
Speaking of bottle, here's Manbottle. Much to check out, but here's a brunette joke from there.
Now don't flip me off because of that cheesy joke above. Vomit instead. Vomiting is the new bird.
You'll need a towel after. Here's some help with your towels. A towel folding robot.
Speaking of robots, how about religeous fanatics? How to have fun with folks who knock on your door to show you their version of the Lord.
Some people who do not think for themselves might actually have a useful purpose after all. Human skateboard.
At least you would be more useful than the Jersey Shore chicks. Wait, lemme rethink that...
But least you could try to be useful. Just make an attempt... Here's Eugene.
Find something interesting to do. Maybe learn how to play a Theremin?
Funny slideshow.
Interesting conglomeration of amalgamated considerations, and, um, web finds.
Something for me. Motion detectors (like in the Wii and the newer smartphones) made really small and cheap. A tiny metal orb suspended in an electric field, inside the phone. Cool.
Check helped out these three links.
Well thank you for checking out my tales.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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