Why Read These Stories?
Well hey there ya willies Enjoyer. Get your head in the game, however you do it. Here's a tune for you while you "engage."
I'll wait. It's kinda important, and you will see.
Some of you have asked me why I write stories that describe the lowest, ugliest points of a young punk's experiences in the western world of Cali.
Indeed, that is an excellent consideration, and here is the answer.
The best stories are told with redemption at the end of an ugly path.
Hard times happen to everyone, and folks do some awful things along their path.
But we humans always hope for the best outcome. When you read a horrific story, you hope that things work out for the better for the protagonist, the one who is the focus of the story.
This is how we folks are made. We hope the best for each other, no matter what we each may have done.
When someone is just being an asshole all along, then they have broken the rules, and if they don't learn their lesson, then we hope that they get pounded by misfortune until they hopefully do Learn Their Lesson.
We hope the best for them. We engage in the story, and identify, even if we have never lived through the awful shit we engage in during such a tale, vicariously.
We read in order to experience true life through another's eyes.
Vicarious is voyeur.
Looking through the keyhole.
So, these stories are to engage you, TDC Reader, and reveal how low one can get, and then witness how the protagonist finally learns his lesson.
The best stories are the ones that reveal to you the worst conditions of a person, where you almost hate the hero because of their awful behavior, but you will still care for them, and hope that they persevere; that they will overcome their awful behavior, and win.
If they win, perhaps you will as well.
There is hope for us all, if one can construct the story correctly.
In Other Words,
No matter what happens to you, this guy has been through worse shit.
Caused by his own poor decisions.
Indeed, there is Hope for us all.
Press on the little box below when you are ready to hear an old tune, my Easter Egg for you, as always.
In these stories, there is redemption.
But you will simply have to follow me along these ruins of the boneyard of awful memories, and trust that your faithful guide will show you the way not only out of the dank caverns below, but back up into the top soil, upward into the sunshine.
Have you the guts to follow me?
I think that you do.
You Rocka.
Here is a pre-tale, in case you like to read what is called backstory. I think that you do. I haven't even told you about Bryan, that bastard, and how we met, when we were young.
After the move to Fuckno, (which I simply have to tell you about later on) I met Bryan.
Now, you remember that I had been hired to clean up broken teefs and bodily fluids at a biker bar before I was legally allowed to do such lovely work, dontcha?
Of course you do, you mindful TDC Enjoyer.
I was 15.
I earned enough money to buy a ten speed, and with this bike, I rode "after work" in the early AM down Cedar Street of Fuckno to school.
I met Trinity Sanders there, at Roosevelt High, on the lower part of Cedar Street.
Trinity was glorious, and I will describe her attributes (big tits, nice ass) in the next pre-tale.
But I also met Bryan there, and I will tell you how I met that traitor there, also in the next installment.
He did, indeed, redeem himself later on, again many times, and most importantly, at the Punk Fight.
But he also stole my chances of connecting to this damaged girl. You will see.
You see,
Joey had Flora Du Mal.
I had Trinity Sanders.
And There is a reason for this pre-tale. This is how we all connected when the ZID chapter series became the biggest explosion of Fuckality of all of us.
Tomorrow, Sunday, we will delve deeper. If you care to check this pre-tale out. Your call.
Here are your links.
Bowling Ball Bot. Cool.
Stealing electrons sounds cool, but maybe not. With a meat hook?
Storm Trooper Fight pic.
That is from here. God Help You.
This may help you, if you are important, and a bit stinky.
I quite like awful speelings and badd Engrish. Speciously when it is by a 'Merrican. Super Fun Big Time Happy Fun Evilish Books No So Much For Chiddrens. Hey, I just found out how to over use the exclamation button!!
Terminator is coming soon, to a future human savior near you.
Hopefully, the Terminator will also erase Pedobear and shit like this.
There was a newspaper item about Topless Day for women in Maine some weeks ago. Here's a new idea, pantless women.
Let's have a look at this site, "I Am Hilarious." Huh.
Ya know how people appear on the news after a hurricane, earthquake, flood, and/or tornado and say these following words, "Well, I guess we will have to rebuild and make the best of it."
Really? Get the fuck out. Move!
Here's a news item about such unexpected results of what some dumbasses spend their time doing over and over again, and, guess what?
A bull fighter gets gored.
Look into flipping burgers. Then you only have to deal with grease spatters and possibly fending off the desperate night assistant manager who has been digging an underground rape room in a cornfield for you.
But I digress. Here's the Matador who got gored.
Ummm, gif files do not work on Blogger, so here's a link that explicates the above idea that I wrote for you quite above, and shows this concept quite succinctly.
The 90's comedies of Friends and Seinfeld have been experiencing a rebirth of interest this past year.
So here's an enlightening take on Seinfeld's best bud George in another light. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Thank you for checking out my words this Saturday.
Now go outside and get some love from the sunshine.
The Sun been misssing yo pimply pale-skinned ass, my brutha.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
----willies out.
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