Well hello there, you mighty willies Enjoyer.
Perhaps you would like to read a true story about a gang fight that yours truly did indeed start with the first punch, but hey, I did not instigate this mess from the beginning. I was simply backing up my buds, and ended up at the front of the line.
You may have (or someday will) find yourself in a situation from which you must never, ever back out.
You will lose permanent points on your Man Card for such chicken-shit behavior as that.
Children will laugh and point at you, and dogs will shun you.
For you other fuckers who simply enjoy the links we here at The Mighty TDC put up for you each and every day, those will follow below. Why not simply go below, you illiterate click-happy bastuhd?
Now you might want to consider getting yourself into the proper fame of mind beforehand, and this will require music and other "accoutrement" which is French for "Smoking, draanking, or some good, strong coffee."
Here's a tune from these modern days, because these young Punk Rockers today rock quite well. It's all about evolution of the Punkology. (Don't ever, ever forget to mind your Leather.)
"I know I'm going to Hell/
In a Leather Jacket/
Yes, at least I'll be in another world/
While you're pissing upon my casket."
(---Julian Casablancas "Out Of The Blue.")
OK, got yourself all set? Puffed all up? Let's rock this weekend thang, shall we?
Now read.
When you are asked by your buds to help out in a street fight, you must consider some things beforehand. Here are some ideas.
"Can I fight well?"
"What is this fighting thing tonight, and is it really necessary?"
"Do I bring a knife to a gun fight? Or will it simply be a baseball bat fight?" (No need to be rude by showing up with armament, ya know.)
"Will my buds have my back if I get knocked down?"
"Will I be willing to fuck up someone who has knocked down one of my buds?"
"Will they have a safe word, (which one uses in order to state that one has had enough and you'd like to quit and go home and light candles and incense for a warm, soothing bath while reading Cosmopolitan), ...or will this be a free-for-all till the cops and ambulances arrive?"
"What is on cable this week in the hospital, afterward?"
"Should I shower beforehand?"
These are, indeed, important considerations, and one must never, ever, get knocked down.
Like I did.
Somehow, I was the one to start the face-off, which is cool if there is a puck and a couple of nets involved, but less so, when the only nets there are on the heads of some brown, angry Messicans you are facing. The Low Rider headlights were all beaming in our faces for this auspicious event.
All around.
Folks even bought tickets.
(I kid, which will probably be a new iPhone app. iKid, like the new menstrual iPad)
Now why did this happen, how did this occur, and what was the outcome?
I'll tell you tomorrow, on Sunday, TDC Enjoyer.
Your life, you see, is not boring. You simply need to open your eyes, and talk about it in the TDC Forums.
Links for ya.
Voteprank. Ya gotta love it. Their room mate doesn't.
Or not: cutting the vacuum wire with scissors when the clean-up lady annoys you by cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
Speaking of AC/DC electricity, here's a nice idea, "Why Don't You shut Up And Sing Instead Of Lecturing Me About Charity At This Concert I Bought Tickets For?" ---By Brian Johnson of AC/DC. Thank You AC/DC electricity.
For an anti-antidote: this weird guy has some groovy funk on the keyboards.
For me: robot that kicks ass, this time from GM, that's right, our 'Murrican car company. It's a fucking Space Robot, too. Go USA!
Well, it was gonna happen eventually. Those pot smokin' hippies ain't getting any younger. This 74 year old got busted smuggling pot into the USA.
The cops themselves aren't safe, even if your wife spiked your meatballs four years ago with pot.
If you, yourself have been inhaling, here's a French video site. No need to understand. No need to understand anything there. Just watch.
Here's an example.
News about Robots. For our TDC brainiacs: Open Source programing in order to help Robots take over the world.
It's like a puzzle for Brainiacs. can you make art from twisting around the ole Rubik's Cube? These Nerds did. Impressive.
In another direction, sexy Motley Crue fans...?
Not like this: Borat and four sexy yummy vanilla ladies, huh wha?
Now you knew that I would give you something to spend some time exploring. Enjoy.
Another is here, for what we TDCers enjoy quite often. Lost, forgotten places. Cincinnati subway. Dead. Gone. But explored.
One last robot link, for a certain engineer in the TDC forums, and his Boy.
On that note, here is my own favorite retribution, or is it recompense?
Let's settle on rocking out for a moment, shall we? Let's Slither. Turn it up.
Check back in tamarrah, baby.
Ya know, in many posts before hand, I have hidden this tiny Easter Egg:
You never clicked it this little thing?
You may become "willies-rolled."
Anyways, see what happens next in this new chapter of the True Story Series that your bud "the willies" has written for you.
The Punk.Fight.Story.Series.
Keep in mind, these are always true stories.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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