The Violinist Part Three.

We each have memories of things we look back upon and wish we could change.
When it is something you yourself have done, then the regret is sharper.
The worst thing is when you knew, while you were doing it, that it was wrong.
Then, there is no excuse.
I took Nolei to the free clinic.
Well, Joey had fucked up my day. Ya think? All day long I had nothing else in my head but what he was planning to do, and what he expected me to execute for him in the final moment.
Now, I don’t know about your thoughts concerning abortion, and I didn’t know my own back then, at that point. It surprised me that Joey took it so hard, and was unable to do this hisseff. What didn’t surprise me was that Joey was only thinking of hisseff.
“Not my problem,” was his favorite statement, as you recall.
This was indeed his “problem,” and he was taking the coward’s way out of it. Too messy to consider all of the ramifications of being a long-distance daddy.
They way I figured it, he was a daddy no matter what course of action he took. And this one would just make him a longer-distance daddy.
Instead of Germany, he now had the distance of Heaven between him and his progeny.
Perhaps Hell figured in there somehow, as well.
I will not judge you if you have ever been in this position, for another, or for yourself.
I can only judge myself.
But I only had myself to gauge this fucking quandary.
Who was I gonna ask, Katheena? Nope. She had her own issues to figure out, and since she hadn’t got a grip on them yet, I did not trust her for solid advise.
My other brothers of different mothers were dealing with their own shit, as you know.
So what was I to do?
Well, I went to talk to the one person in the whole world whose thoughts I could depend on. It’s always been this way. It’s still this way.
You must know who that was, and is.
I will tell you next week.
This part has been the hardest effort of these tales so far, in my attempt to write for you about the de-evolution of a young man into the heady state of Punkology.
But I won’t leave you hanging.
Check this out.
On the way to the free clinic, I talked Nolei out of it.
The thing is,
I never told Joey.
No one has.
I hope he doesn’t read this.
Time lapse of our galaxy, the Milky Way, for your Sunday morning coffee.
Perhaps you are having something other than coffee when you read the TDC. Well, guess what. Diligent scientists have been working around the clock for decades to finally bring to your neighborhood convenience store this: Beer that stays fresh forever. Yay.
Maybe you are having a ciggy?
Here’s the whole Foot Loose movie redone scene by scene by college kids. Fucking Funny.
User generated content at with “15 scary movies you were too young to see.”
CatCam under Fluffy’s neck. WhiteyFilms.
Know your lingerie Footballers. Here’s Lindsey V.
Weird Korean Commercials.
Short Sunday morning read: Is Hell Dead? From Time Magazine.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
OK, one more for ya.
The Winter 2014 Olympics town is currently under construction in Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. Here is a photoblog about this. Just juxtaposition of this immense, new city being built among the rubble of starvation with gubment money is something else to see.
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