The faces had changed, but the story remained the same. Put your best foot forward, place one foot in front of the other, foot the bill. It was like looking at the world through a new pair of eyes.
Sitting behind the pretty blond who would become our school’s Valedictorian, I could smell the shampoo she used. Scooby Dude on my left winked at me from behind his shades.
“Wild, man …Wild.” He nodded.
Great. Somehow word had gotten around about my car burning up in Clovis. I had no idea how much of the tale there was, how much of it was speculation, and who had let everyone know, but I could figure it out.
The Little Lion Man was an instigator, as you well know by now. Joey loved to gossip.
I chucked my text book and PeeChee folders into the locker and felt a pinch on my ass. Katheena. Her hot breath whispered something in my ear and I could have drifted off from the sweet scent of her perfume. When my eyes opened, she was gone. It was like I had fallen asleep or something. The hallway was empty.
Outside in the fresh, sparkly sunshine of that spring day, the Quad filled up with students grabbing plots of grass to sit upon with their lunches. There was Joey, holding court on the picnic table at the center of the food court, where I had first met him a hundred years ago.
I walked as the crow flew, to the parking lot where Katheena awaited me. Her gold Firebird with the gold-tinted windows and the huge black bird across the hood rumbled like a dog with a bad temper.
Yeah, it was about time she and I settled some business. One day in the future, she and I would part ways, never to meet again. But before that time came, we would develop a bond taut enough to slice diamonds.
“Thanks for coming. Will. Where do you want to eat?”
“Hey Katheena. I know about a place down by the Manchester Mall that has authentic Messican food. The real deal. That cool?”
She squealed her tires and we spun out of that parking lot and hit the road sideways, fishtailing and then jetting off straight as bullet.
“Stacy? Nope, never heard of her. But she drives a white Celica, huh? I’ll keep my eye out for her. Bitch needs a lesson.”
“Now Katheena, don’t go busting up your knuckles on account of me.”
“Nah, don’t worry about me, Will. I’m just glad you made it home alive.”
“I appreciate that. You’re the first person to say that to me.”
Home was on the other coast.
Until I got there, I would have to accept the notion that this desert shit hole was my home.
It didn’t sit well, but what the hell else did I have?
Vote for Lois, top right.
Yummmm. Pasta.
Smoke a twista before you kidnap drug dealers in Juarez, Sexico.
Suicide explained via quantum mechanics. Nice.
Interesting architexture.
Something more transient: Crop circles. Some people need more constructive things to do.
Like this: invent
a rocket oven. I’ve never heard of such a thing, have you? It makes a lot of sense. It’s very cool when technology combines with old school materials. This will help folks in Haiti.
Or it could help those in Detroit?
“In My Time” is going to be published this week. It’s the memoirs of that Dick, Cheney. Wonder if he will explain how everyone kept getting broken arms, black eyes and shot in the face when they were working under him?
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out
OK, One More For Ya.
Jerry has doodled a whole world. Maps. Oddly charming.
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