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Thursday, September 26, 2013

(Beta for the weekend) TCC CH 13 Settle Of The Dust

Oreo Cookie Blues   by Lonnie Mack


I ran towards Joey and Bryan at the barn.  They were right, we should have just bailed.

I passed Tellesco and Fat Jerry who were wrestling in the dirt and I left the old ghost cowboy with his new friend in the dust.

It was too much for me to comprehend.  Fuck that shit.

It was because of what was beginning to dawn on me: we were at some sort of place where the points all led (or came back to, that is).  A cabin in the desert?  Who the hell builds something like this in the middle of the desert?  Well my friend, I was beginning to see that it was a nexus.  It was one of them places where shit always seems to hit the fan.

(To be written for the weekend)


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