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Friday, March 28, 2014

Beta version of + = +


Passive   by A Perfect Circle   

What is it that we all truly want?

Is it great wealth?

Such a thing may afford the purchase of land, of holdings, of power.

One could enjoy a magnificent house, or many of them.

Rare is quite scintillating:

Rare wines.

Rare automobiles.

Rare postage stamps.

Rare manuscripts.

Rare knowledge.


Such an odd term.

Rare is fame.

Rare is also infamy.

Most of all;

Rare is true leadership.

Stay with me here, my friend.

The term “Leader” refers to an elected or hired or earned position, from those who look to you to lead them from their needs onward to their wants, and then to their own happiness. 

Hell, we are all in pursuit of this fickle, vaporous and escaping thing.

Yet, true Leadership may not be that at all.

You see, this is a thing that exists within us each, and within us all.

Leadership is that point when you know what is the right thing to do, and you choose to do this thing even when it will come at extreme cost to you.

You stand to lose everything that matters to you.

But you exhibit true Leadership because it is the right thing to do.

On the other hand, the purchase of the Rare will cost a lot of money, but it holds no worth unless you can exhibit your purchase to others.

You show it off and hope to receive applause, or it will not fill that empty hole.

Your pursuit might be hollow no matter how much you purchase and show off, but nothing can fill that empty hole.

The hint is the reason that we pursue such a connection to others, to show off our wares.

We do it because we are social creatures, and we look to connect.

It is in our DNA.

We are all Tribal.

This was the prophesy that Emeralda held close to her, as she sought escape from them Purple Robes. 

She knew that she was leaving everything behind, and her man was gone, baby, gone…

But she held her baby close to her heart, and she was going to collect her other little girl.

Her chances of escape and rescuing her first born were very slim, and she knew this,

…but she would do it anyway.

True Leadership was in her and she used it.

+   =   +

Emeralda climbed up the out of the tunnel into a very small room.  She set her go-bags down and checked on her baby.  All was good.

She knew that she was hidden in a safe room inside the parking garage.  She would need to make certain that she was all set to leave, for once and for ever.

Once she opened the door, an alarm would blare inside the security room of the Purple Mansion far off to the front of the estate.  It was intended to reveal infiltration and theft, but now, it would indicate escape.

She would not have much time.

Now, she considered which of the many vehicles could crash through a wall and not become inoperable.  She knew which one it was.

(To Be Rewritten)

God Help You.

God Help Us All.

---willies out.


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