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Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Fuckno Wars Ch. 9 Portals To Hell

Somethin’s Wrong   by Billy D and The Hoodoos

Please read the last part before this, won’t you?

There was a reason that Tellesco didn’t want to go back up to any of the floors above.  It was because of what had happened to him and our missing friend Sean up there.  Of course, the little ghost girl with the wilted flowers was his primary reason for heading to the basement.

It helped him, and here’s why:

He knew that the pretty girl with the white hair wanted me to go upstairs instead of him.  And that, right there, that was the first time Tellesco got his heart broke.

He was rejected by a dead girl.  Talk about a bad omen for his future with chicks.  How would it go with living ones? 

But, do you see, it helped him because he could save face. 

I couldn’t unwind my arms from around Lorelei, because if I did, I wouldn’t get another chance to feel her against me.  That’s what I believed. 

Sad to say, that would end up being true.

I chust didn’t know it yet.


 Hirviö     (MONSTER) 

Our missing friend Sean was nowhere.  His body was inhabited by a Walkin, but his mind was in limbo.  It was like he was in a cave on the moon or something.  That Walkin called himself “Seen.”  He had been busy with his own agenda all night long.  In each and every cannibal meal, he acquired certain knowledge, specific to each victim.  But because of something he had done that was wrong for a Walkin to do, he also acquired the sickness and evil of each of his victims.

That was not his intention, or course.  You recall; he ate each body part of his victims while they were still alive.  He also adorned himself with some of their living skin, such as hand gloves and a nose and a scrotum bag before he pushed them poor folks off this mortal plane. 

Except for the first one.

His downfall would be due to what he had done to his first encounter, with a man called Sven.  The Walkin had eaten the flesh of the dead, from Sven.  Sven was a serial killer, if you recall.

This Walkin “Seen” began to physically change with each new acquisition of living flesh.  He became grotesque.  And, he began to lose his focus.  He was distracted from his own agenda.

Never should a Walkin act this way.

Never should a Walkin come what may.

Never should a Walkin lose his way.

This one did.

Now pray.

+   +   +       +   +   +

“Rurrrgh.”  Seen reached into the pants pocket of the man who lied on the ground before him.  He grabbed keys.  His gloves held them keys up tight to his face in the dark, and he found the right one.  The right key glinted in the blood-red light shining down from the east.  He scowled at the dark red moon creeping up over the mountains eastward of the city to the north, and he swung his meaty head back and he roared.

He fucking roared.

The Jeep awoke with a lovely purr.  Seen grimaced.  He would never get used to driving a wagon without horses in front of it, tethered to it, pulling it along.  Yet he knew how to operate this horseless carriage from the many kills he had under his belt, all night long.  Kills meant skills.

His gloved finger sought a button and pressed it, and then, foreign sounds thumped out of the speakers. 

Radioactive   by Imagine Dragons  

It began slow, and then it got his heart thumping at a steadier rate.  All of the rock he’d smoked and the lines he’d snorted began to subside.  He fell into a sort of pace. 

He fell into a sort of groove.  Stygg as he was, with his new accoutrements, (which is a French term for “borrowed skin decorations) he felt shiny and brand new.

Seen pulled into the street and drove forth.  He had walked many miles with his bag of tools draped over his shoulder, and he had killed many people.  He left a trail of dead in his wake.

Except for one thing.

Each person he had killed was now infected by him.  He was an infected Walkin, and he had been busy.

For whatever a Walkin’s agenda, it is never to allow a portal to open. 

This Walkin, why, he allowed them dead people to remain open for business. 

When you do that, other Walkins don’t have a chance.

Other things have an opportunity to enter.

Entrance.  Enter to escape.

Escape from Hell.

Welcome to the Hell that Fuckno would become.

Seen allowed many portals to open to Hell.

God Help You.

God Help Us All.

---willies out.


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