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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Weekend At Willies The Fuckno Wars Prelude


One More Drink For The Road, by Leslie West

When your guiding star disappears from the night sky, then you have no direction.

You are on a small canoe alone in the middle of the sea.

Do you give up?

Or do you put on your poker face, and consider the next push of your oar?

What do you do?  Where will you go from here?

Perhaps you will go looking for the devil.

Perhaps you will decide that you have nothing left to lose, even if you have everything to lose, including your life, and the lives of two young sisters and their




You see,

I went to look for the devil.  

I wasn’t in my right mind.  

You understand.

The beginning of the Fuckno Wars will commence this Saturday.

Perhaps you might care to join in the melee?

It will be quite a long read, as we begin,

And it will be hard to take all in.

It you choose.

God Help You.

God Help Us All.

---willies out.


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