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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Two Become One

Moonlight would be their savior.  Would they survive?

Moonlight by Hanni El Khatib, a truly badass punk-rocking Bluesman.

We continue from here.


(Funny how a career, I mean, real life gets in the way of the muse.   Sorry about that, muse.  Many apologies to you, my friend, you magnificent Reader.)

Let’s go now.

The eyeless man died in her hands. 

It was more than she had wished for him. 

She’d intended to let this bastard die alone, in pain, in misery, and then he would go away forever, from this here mortal coil.  He would be lost alone, floating in the black emptiness of eternity, according to her teachings.

That, my friend, is truly Hell.  Lost alone, with the thoughts of what you have done.  Hopefully, you have done more of the good things and less of the bad things.  There are no virgins waiting for you there.

But his laughter at this woman who was missing her daughter and wanting to find her,


this was too much for her mother bear instinct. 

She killed him because of that.

But, further:

What had she done?

She had opened the door for him to enter the plane of the eternals, the Walk-Ins.

In her anger, she had allowed the bastard this opportunity to return to this earthly plane of existence. 

Why had she done this?

It didn’t occur to her that in her new condition, she could do such a thing.   If she put some thought into it, she would realize that this eyeless, toothless man with his head on backwards

…had turned her into a Walk-In of the cannibal sort. 



Mother Bear.

Emeralda turned the man’s head around on his neck until the skin split and the tendons showed.  She let him drop to the bloody grass and…

then she heard her little girl. 

In the back of her mind, she heard her daughter’s voice.   It said, “Is this a dream?  Is this a game?  I miss you!  Why didn’t you come get me?”

She brushed the thought away as she rounded the side of the house towards her vehicle. 


It sounded like her daughter had shouted right into her ear.

Indeed, she heard her own daughter.

She rounded the corner with her daughter screaming in her ear.  “Mommy!  Mommy!  Don’t leave me!”

And do you know,

It was her little girl.

Do not read further.  

Spoiler alert.

Yeah, don’t do it.

C’mon, truly.  I’m not going away.  Just check out the next part in the series that will be up this weekend, but not the spoiler below.

You summina bastidge

All righty then.  It’s all your own fault, gawd love ya

The mother had just killed her own daughter.

It was no cause upon this mother.  She had busted out, escaped, and driven off to look for her daughter, and she risked her own life.

Do you know, the new daughter went into the body of the little baby, her own sister, to protect her, to protect them both.

That is what a Walk-In can do.

Of course, they were now both cannibals, and could not talk.

Dude, you should not have read this last part.


---willies out.
